2012年4月23日 星期一

Journal 3 -Sleepless Beauty


          One day a cute little baby called little beauty was born with her parents’ love. Her parents loved her so much that they held a birthday party to welcome this little girl. As a result, they invited all their friends and relatives except the witch. However, the witch appeared during the party and shocked everyone. The witch got closer to the cradle and gave little beauty her present. The present was that everyone would fall asleep included little beauty for a whole hundred years. But the witch also mentioned that a rock star would wake the little beauty. Before little beauty’s fourteen, her parents threw out all things sharp. As little beauty grew up, she found that she could not use any knife, pin, and pencils. Finally, the witch appeared again on little beauty’ fourteen birthday. The witch asked little beauty to hold the pin and touch it. At this time, everyone and little beauty fell asleep. Next morning, little beauty woke up as usual because she set the alarm clock. They were awakened by the sound of the rock star from the alarm clock. At the end of the story, little beauty met the rock star and lived happily ever after.

l   Setting: backdrop setting
The first sentence in the story tells us its setting- one day I was born. The author did not give a very clear timing and place.

l   Conflict: protagonist against another
The conflict happened when the little beauty met the witch. The witch cursed the little beauty that she would sleep for a hundred years.

l   Word: rhyme word in the second and forth sentence
In each paragraph, the second sentence and forth sentence have the same rhyme. For example, “witch” are a rhyme for “hitch.”
l   Tone: surprise
At the end of the story, the little beauty did not sleep for many years. To our surprise, she was awakened by her alarm clock.

        The story was revised according to a classical fairytale. But the ending is different from the classical version. It is surprising and funny that all of characters woke up because of the alarm clock; instead of the prince charming’s kissing. But the prince and princess still lived happily ever after in this version. Besides, I think that the parents’ throwing all of thing sharp is over protection. They kept little beauty from dangerous things but they could not avoid a little girl’s curiosity. Little beauty still touched the pin, and she set the alarm clock. She solved the crisis by herself instead of waiting for a prince. In the end of the story, she still live happily ever after with her prince, who was the rock singer. 

